Sunday, January 31, 2010

Q: "Is Christianity the only true religion?"

Our conversion story generated other questions:

Hi Gina!

One thing that I've been thinking about a lot lately is how there are so many different religions and how does that really work? Maybe you have some wisdom to share on this? Is Christianity the only true religion (which ultimately the Bible says, right?...the only way to God is through Christ? )and the rest are man made? Or is it possible that they are just as valid in some way and that it's just a different path with the same destination? I feel a little conflicted about the belief that Christianity is the only true religion and that the millions and millions of other people that are just as passionate about their beliefs are wrong and have fallen for something made up by man. Because if everything but Christianity is man made, I feel like, what's to say that Christianity isn't man made as well? Does my question make sense?

Danny, I think, has a good way to look at it. Let's say there's a large elephant and people standing all around that elephant and up close. Each person is to describe an elephant only by what he/she sees in front of him/her.
"An elephant is a long tube-like-thing with nostrils."
"No, no. An elephant is nothing but a grey and leathery wall."
"You have it all wrong. An elephant is round like a tree trunk."
"How can you say that? It's like a long rope with hair at the end."
"I sort of agree with #2, except it's more like a flag than a wall."
"I say an elephant is hard and smooth. It's white in color, tubular in shape, but comes to a point."

Each person can only see part of the elephant: the trunk, body, leg, tail, ear, or tusk. They know what they see and are passionate about it. Are they wrong? No, but the elephant is too big for them to get the whole picture.

God is like that elephant, and religions are the different people standing around describing what they see. Each has part of it right.

What makes you happy? What brings you closer to your higher power (God) that you can draw strength from? What helps you be a better person to yourself, your family, your community? That, I would say, is the place for you.

The LDS church doesn't even claim they have all of the answers, but just some more answers than others. They believe there's more info that has yet to be reveled. They will say, however, it's the "true church." I felt uncomfortable with that when I first heard it. Even now, I'll say it's the true church for me. What is meant by being the "true church" is that it has additional information about the has the Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, and The Pearl of Great Price as well as the Bible. It also has restored the organization of the church the way Christ established it (as described in the Bible). That organization was lost after the apostles died. That's when some of the different Christian sects started branching off and establishing Christianity the best way they could but without any direct authority like they had from the apostles. As time went on, additional sects would branch off from those, each saying, "No, you have it wrong. This is what God is really like: ..." Sometimes they branch off due to hurt feelings. "Oh, yeah?! Well I'm gonna take my toys and start my own club!"

Is Christianity the only true religion? Every culture has their own way of describing where they came from and the purpose of their lives. lf there is a non-Christian religion you discover on your path that you feel the most comfortable with, then that's the one for you.

God knows your heart. God knows the hearts of every person of every different religion. And He loves each. (But this is coming from me...a person who believes in God). He knows your sincere desires. If you truly don't believe in him, He's not going to send you to hell.

Another thing I like about the LDS religion is the doctrine about hell. Basically, everyone goes to one of the degrees of heaven (we have 3). Very few people go to hell. So, members of other religions that don't even believe in Christ still go to one of the levels of heaven; they wouldn't go to hell like a mainstream Christian church would teach. I remember as a kid being told in church I was going to go to hell. "Why? What did I do?" It was an awful feeling. The churches I was raised in said I would go to hell unless I accepted Christ as my savior (and even those who had never had the chance to learn of Christ would go to hell).

I hope you can find what you are looking for. My father gave me wonderful advice as I grew and reminded me of that advice as I searched churches with Danny. "Take what you can and leave the rest." He first told me that when I complained about school teachers. He said even a bad teacher can teach you something, even if it's how not to be a bad teacher.

If you find a church that is just so-so for you, take what you can from it...what is the speaker trying to say/teach...take what is good, leave what doesn't feel right. Then hopefully, you'll find another place you like even more.

Okay, I lied. This is probably as long as the other emails. :-)


Dear (Name),

Good morning! I was thinking more about your questions, and I'm not sure I answered your question, "Is the only way to God through Jesus Christ?" Through a LDS Christian stand point, the only way to LIVE with Heavenly Father is through the atonement of Jesus Christ. God will have no unclean thing dwell with him. Through our repentance, the atonement, and sincere desire to live with him we can. It's like having an adult child live with you: your house, your rules. If that child continues to break the rules and be rude to you or threaten the happiness of your other children, you probably don't want her/him there, although it would make you sad to kick that child out.

God loves us and wants us with him, but he isn't going to force us or threaten us with hell to be with him. That's why there are different degrees of don't automatically go to hell just because you choose to not live with Heavenly Father. If you chose to live with Heavenly Father out of fear of hell, then you are with Him out of fear and not a sincere desire to be with him. God gave us the gift of free agency. Satan's plan was to take away our agency of choice and MAKE US follow the rules, and then Satan would get all the glory.

This is how I understand the doctrine. I'm not a scholar by any means. I hope it makes sense. Please ask me to clarify if it doesn't.


Addendum 2:
Hi! Here's a link about the different degrees of heaven :

Click on additional information if your interested.

I'm glad you see me as open-minded. That's a nice compliment. Thank you for trusting me with such personal searching.

Good night!

Our Conversion Story

A few weeks ago, I wrote about my husband's and my baptismal anniversary. You can see it here if you'd like. That post generated some questions about our conversion. I originally answered through email. I have decided to also post it here. First is the question, then my answer.


I was wondering if you could tell me a little more about how and why you guys decided to join LDS? Did a Missionary come to your house and introduced you to it or did you look them up? What was you first impression? And how did you feel about the Book of Mormon etc?
I'm just really curious because I'm still trying to find my faith and decide what's right for me. I find it so hard because I tend to question everything and find it hard to just say that I'm going to have faith in something... I think it goes back to growing up in a family that is non-religious as well as being from (omitted) where most people in general are non-religous. In schools we were taught evolution as the truth. Religion was taught more as least that's how it felt.
I definitely believe in a creator and a higher power. I want to say that I'm a Christian, that I believe in Jesus and the Bible etc but I always feel doubt and come up with a million questions.
We have a few Mormon friends (including you) and several acquaitances and we get Missionaries stopping by regularly. I've been kind of wondering if God is trying to tell us something ;). But honestly, add the Book of Mormon to my already questioning faith and it's too much.
I guess I don't really know where to begin. I would love to hear how you got to where you are today. Have you ever questioned or doubted your faith? I hope you don't mind me asking.

Good Morning!

I'll answer your last question first: Have you ever questioned or doubted your faith?

Yes. During meetings I sometimes hear the comment that everyone at some point doubts on some level. Faith, like a muscle, needs to be exercised. When you exercise that faith, you gain a testimony. A testimony is when something tells you that it's right, like a gut-feeling. Often (we believe) it is the warmth of the Holy Ghost/Spirit that tells us if that faith we are exercising is right or not. Over time, we build a testimony. We use that testimony during down-times (feelings of discouragement, overwhelmed, etc) to lift us back up.

I'm very logical and a critical thinker, often playing the devil's advocate. Many friends were surprised I would join a religion. But, I can't deny the spirit I felt when I entered our first LDS chapel (still as an atheist) and a couple months later was asked to be baptized. It takes years, a lifetime, to build a testimony. The first testimony I had was that I was in the right place; that I needed to be there. I had that warmth of the spirit rush over me. Then I needed to add on to that testimony by practicing faith in different areas like prayer, is there a God, reading scriptures, what about these "golden plates" business, modern-day prophets, the Words of Wisdom, etc.

I remember the missionaries asking me to pray about what I'm learning. I asked, "Who am I supposed to pray to? I don't believe in God." And that's where a little faith comes in. Practice the faith, and let the spirit tell you if what you are doing is right or not. At this point, the missionaries didn't speak much about the spirit, but I practiced praying in my own way that I felt comfortable with. I told Danny that maybe what I will consider doing is taking a moment before eating and consciously and verbally say that I am thankful for the food, that I know others are without. So, that's what Danny and I did. We just started being thankful and verbally acknowledging it. I did it throughout the day about different things. I remember that warm feeling telling me I'm doing the right thing.

Baby steps.

Now, I'll jump to the beginning (I'll talk more about questioning my faith later). I was my fine, happy, atheist self when Danny, agnostic, began wondering if there was more than just us, if maybe there was a God. I supported him in his quest and tagged along as we went church-hopping.

{Side note: I was raised Christian, attending a variety of churches: Presbyterian, Pentecostal, Quaker, non-denominational, and Catholic with a friend. I went to church camp several years. I even had a born-again experience. Danny was technically Lutheran. They went to church Christmas and Easter, but never spoke of God nor prayed.}

Anyway, we attended several churches while living in Arizona. While watching tv, we saw an ad for a "Families First" video offered by the LDS church. It was free. Danny called and ordered it. It arrived. A couple days later, the missionaries also arrived. We weren't expecting this. We let them in. We had interesting conversations with them. We were polite, but not interested. They returned one time, then never, again.

{Another side note about why I was atheist, even though you didn't ask me: Although my parents and Grandmother were great, I saw the ugliness brought on by religion while growing up. I've seen how religion is used to hurt people, not only in my extended family but in history. In college, I had taken Old Testament, New Testament, and other cultural religion courses and came to the conclusion that religion was man-made to control the masses and gain power, especially over women. Throughout history, people take a seemingly good thing and turn it into a weapon. I wanted absolutely nothing to do with it. I was a science major at ASU studying animal behavior, vertebrae anatomy, evolution, genetics and other courses supporting evolution. I often heard in churches I attended that evolution as "evil-ution" and that Darwin is bunk, the earth is only 7,000 years old, etc. Well, my science classes made a lot a sense. I thought I had to choose. I made the mistake in thinking that it had to be science or religion. So, I chose science.}

( be continued. (Name), I have to go and get ready for church. I thought I'd send what I have so far. It's nice to relive it. Thank you for asking. Sorry it's so long, but I thought here's my chance to record it for my own records, which I should have done a while ago).


Danny then got a job with ACA in Virginia. We loved going for drives. We happened upon an LDS meeting house (church) in Hamilton. Danny got out to check the times on the door. I really didn't want to go to a Mormon church, besides, it was 30 miles away from where we lived. "Let's keep looking for churches closer to us." Danny was drawn, though. He told me when he was younger and in France, a Jewish friend of his gave him a Book of Mormon in French. Danny loved America and was intrigued by this "American" church. When he was older and in flight school in Arizona, he built up some hours with a buddy by flying to Utah and staying with the friend's girlfriend's family. "They are Mormon," the friend said. "Don't ask them about their religion. You'll never get them to stop." Danny didn't ask. They didn't mention it. But he said he felt something wonderful in that home. He said the "air was different there." He said that family had "something."

Danny checked out the Book of Mormon from the library. He wanted to see it without the missionaries being sent. He took it with him on trips. One night when I was working at the animal hospital, Danny called me during closing time asking if I could come home early.

"You'll never guess who's here."
"The missionaries. The Mormon missionaries. We had a discussion. Can you come home early and meet them?"
" have to help Diana med the animals and close up. Darn." (Whew! That was close!)

I arrived home to our apartment later. Danny said he made an appointment for them to return, but he'd cancel it if I wanted. He told me how they ended up at our door. He heard the doorbell. When he opened it and saw them, he thought of how he had the BoM from the library specifically so the missionaries wouldn't come.

(Door opens. Missionaries standing outside.)
Danny: "How did you find me?"
M #1: "We prayed about it."
M #2: "Well, actually, we just knock door-to-door. We were about to call it a night (they have a curfew) but thought we would try just one more door. We chose yours."

They were very nice (like the others in AZ). They had a message to share, and we listened. We discussed. It was pleasant. They knew about our views but never made us feel bad about them. They gave us copies of the BoM and invited us to read. They returned several times. I always enjoyed their visits. They were good company.

One Sunday Danny and I decided to go to that LDS chapel 30 miles away. I still hadn't changed my views, but Danny wanted to go. So we went. We sat. Wide-eyed. Then a familiar missionary, Elder Mickelsen, came over to us, beaming. "I didn't think you would ever come! Welcome!"

We sat. We listened. We sang. We stared. That warm feeling enveloped me. Being there Children stayed with their family and weren't shoo'ed off to another room. It was a bit noisy at times, but I thought it was so special they stayed together. I enjoyed the service very much but was ready to go.

We were asked if we were going to stay for the next two meetings. Next two meetings? Uh, NO. Who goes to church for three hours? They do.

Missionaries came over a few more times. We went to church a few more times. When they asked me how I liked it, I said I liked it very much. I felt more at home there than I did in any church I've ever been to. I liked the families being together during the service. I liked how it was organized and ran by unpaid volunteer/called members. I liked that tithings and offerings were a private manner handled discretely and that service time wasn't taken up by passing the plate. I liked that there was a Heavenly Mother. I liked that children were innocent until the age of accountability (baptized at 8). I liked how the Godhead FINALLY made sense. I liked that the women were strong and that they were encouraged to be educated and be able to support their family in case something happened to the husband. I liked that they lived their religion and went to church because they wanted to, not because they were afraid of hell and damnation, fire and brimstone. It was positive. God is love. We are his children. He wants us to be happy and has a plan for us. I told them I wished I believed, but I just can't. I believe in science.

There was a new LDS bookstore that opened up in Leesburg, Timpanogos Books. Danny strolled through there and found a book for me.

January 5th was my birthday. I opened his gift: Of Heaven and Earth: Reconciling Scientific Thought with LDS Theology. It was a compilation of essays written by noted and highly respected scientists in the fields of geology, genetics, chemistry, physics, and astronomy. Many of them are members of the National Academy of Sciences. And.they.were.strong.faithful.Latter-day.Saints. They believed in science and religion. Basically, in my own words, science is a language of God's. Science and religion are meant to be together. I may not understand how it all fits, but God does.

I read and read and read. Again, the warm feeling of the spirit flooded me, and I cried. It's like it gave me permission to believe in God, again. And believe, I did.

{Ironically, I currently live at the base of Mount Timpanogos of the Wasatch Mountains, Utah, just a mile from the Mt. Timpanogos Temple. That little LDS bookstore in our little town closed it's doors within the year. The nearest LDS bookstore would be an hour away near the DC Temple.}

January 17th, 1999, 11 years ago today as I write this, Danny and I were baptized by Elder Palmer, Leesburg Ward, Hamilton, VA.

PART 3 (The high-lighted areas above are things I added).

Okay, so now I believe in God. What about this Joseph Smith, Jr. character? And the golden plates of ancient script that are conveniently gone? Good questions. I do believe Joseph Smith, Jr. was a prophet of God. (We don't worship him. He was just a messenger, God's servant). I'm thankful for modern-day prophets for our modern-day problems.

Sure, I had doubts about him. Sometimes I still wonder what he was really like. Martyred people seem to gain a more heroic status as the years pass. But what he did was one of the best things that happened in my life: establishing the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This church helped me want to know God through His son, Jesus Christ.

I've learned more about JS,Jr. through the years. My admiration for what he did and went through continues to grow. I believe in his visions. At this point, I have no reason not to. (The Bible has some fantastic stories, too). I totally understand that the basis for this religion is hard to believe to an observer. I get that. (Been there). But let's take the worst-case scenario: let's say Joe was an egotistical clown and genius that made up the whole thing. Instead of translating ancient script into the Book of Mormon through divine guidance, let's say he just wrote it himself and pulled the wool over his follower's eyes. That book, to me, is still inspired by God, even if He used an unknowing clown genius to get his message through. There are things in those scriptures for me to learn, things that will help me as a person. JS, Jr. was just a man, imperfect and uneducated (didn't finish school). But he had a willing heart and a desire to serve his God and his brothers and sisters, similar to other prophets like Moses and David who felt inadequate when God called upon them. God makes up the difference.

I find when I wonder about something or someone, I look at the fruits of their labors. Is the product negative or positive? Does it make me want to be a better person? And is it out of love or fear? Do I feel the spirit (that warm feeling inside that tells me I'm in the right place or doing the right thing)?

Faith is not about seeing. If we saw, then it wouldn't be faith, it would be knowledge. We are changed by the spirit.

I'm still building my testimony. I don't understand everything, yet, and may not until I die. But I like the here and now and try not to let details be stumbling blocks for me. To me, Adam and Eve are still symbolic, but I'm willing to say that it is possible they were created from the dust (I guess anything is possible with God). I may not understand it, but I'm not going to let that stop me from growing in the gospel and enjoying its fruits.

Well, (name), I loved doing this, especially on our baptismal anniversary. It brought me back, and I felt the spirit and teared up in gratitude as I relived it.

If you have any more questions, I'd be happy to answer them (and the answers will probably be a lot shorter because most of it is here).


Am I The Teacher or the Student?

I taught my first Sunday school lesson today to the 14-15 year olds. There were 9 out of 16 attending. It went very well. I could only thank Heavenly Father for that.

The material was from the Old Testament (Genesis and Moses), particularly about Cain's attitude towards God, Enoch's attitude, and being of one heart and one mind.

As I began preparing for today's lesson a week ago and reading the Old Testament, I found myself being distracted about the whole Adam and Eve thing. I had pretty much come to peace with the concept of them, but more questions came as I read. There had to have been others besides Adam and Eve. Interbreeding would not have produced a strong, healthy population. And when I read that Cain took his brother's daughter as his wife, the "eew" factor rose (Moses 5:28).

There HAD to have been others.

I paused and realized that this isn't the point of these books. Scriptures are not science nor history books. They are compilations of lessons Heavenly Father wants us to learn. If Adam and Eve and their descendants are literal, fine. I may not understand fully how, but that's not the point. There were many books available to make up the Bible. Some were kept and some passed over. What made the final selection important? There's something in them that we need to learn, I need to learn.

I prayed and asked for guidance. I relied on my testimony and the Holy Ghost to help me get over the hurdle of my Adam and Eve fixation. I have been entrusted with the teaching of His children. "Heavenly Father, what do you want me to teach them?"

I poured myself into the lesson this past week and did my best to prepare. I was nervous I may not know how to relate to them and intimidated because one was the daughter of our bishop, and another is a daughter of our previous bishop, and the others have awesome parents who served faithful missions. Who was I to teach them? I had the impression I just needed to love them. Maybe they were to teach me. They are of the age of Joseph Smith when he went into the Sacred Grove after reading, "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him," - James 1:5.

I felt the warmth of the spirit as I walked to church, sat on the bench, and sang the hymns amongst my brothers and sisters. I felt the spirit as I taught. The youth were great and inviting. I appreciated their participation. I thank Heavenly Father for his help today.

It's my teaching companion's turn next week, then I teach about The Abrahamic Covenant. Then, two weeks later, I teach about Abraham's willingness to sacrifice Isaac. Now, THAT is a hurdle for me.